Anna Lotan Liquid Golden Marine Scrub
$24.00 – $120.00
Anna Lotan – Liquid Gold Golden Marine Scrub is a modular treatment product designed to offer a variety of exfoliating procedures in the salon for different skin conditions.
An excellent carrier for deep penetrating oil soluble “exfoliants†(such as retinol; essential oils with exfoliating constituents etc.
Enables an intensive hydration and “plumping” of the epidermis which facilitates exfoliation and reduces irritation potential.
Serves as an ideal carrier for exfoliating fruit acids (AHA) lotions which enhance exfoliation even further.
Abrasive scrubbing particles melt during treatment and transform into a new smoothing cream which enables a facial or body massage without any additional massage product.
A full exfoliating facial treatment takes less than 10 minutes.